Improve Your Workouts With Massage

Getting a regular massage will do wonders to improve your current workout. Massage helps to improve performance and circulation, increase flexibility, decrease recovery time, and reduce muscle strain. In a nutshell it will make you and your body feel better about each and every workout!

Exercise produces many positive changes in your body; greater sense of well-being, stress relief, increases muscle strength and endurance, lungs and hearth become more efficient, improves your flexibility and more. These changes happen gradually as the body adapts to the greater demands put on by exercise. As you push through to reach these benefits stiffness and soreness occur. This discomfort is sometimes delayed and may be caused by muscle damage, muscle spasms, or a build up of waste products.

Massage helps your body recover from the stresses of exercise much faster. Recovering faster reduces your chances of becoming injured and gets you back to where you want to be faster.

Massage relaxes your muscles. Relaxed muscles move more easily, which will increase your power, performance, and efficiency.

Massage breaks up scar tissue and adhesions, which if left reduce movement and increase your chances of a workout related injury. These types of Injuries can and should be prevented. Listen to your body.

Massage keeps small trouble spots from turning into large problem areas. You know that ignoring that ache in your Hamstrings does not mean it will just go away.

Massage improves your circulation which leads to more effective waste removal and better cell nutrition. Better waste removal means less stiffness and soreness and better cell nutrition leads to increased flexibility, power and strength.

To support your fitness or sports program weekly massage (or as often as you can) is recommended. I would personally recommend Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage (pictured above). Because the foot is a broader surface than the hand or elbow, the pressure is more evenly distributed allowing deep releases to occur without painful poking. It has been described as the deepest, most luxurious massage on the planet.

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