Acne fighting tips for teens
Acne affects many people just as they hit their teens. It’s such a common skin
condition; acne usually begins in puberty and around 85 per cent of people between
the ages of 12 and 24 will experience some form of it. So comfort your teen, they are not alone!
There’s no cure for acne but even serious cases can be managed. If your teen is
experiencing serious and prolonged breakouts after trying a skin care routine for at least three months , see your doctor for advice. There are medicines that may relieve the symptoms and we know that acne can be a distressing condition at a time when appearance feels like everything.
What causes acne?
Changes in hormones can lead to increased sebum production, which is often madeworse by using the wrong skincare products. Using over the counter products with a
drying action can do more than just dry out the excess sebum – they take moisture
out of the skin, causing it to make even MORE sebum. Over the counter products are the biggest culprit in the endless acne cycle.
When choosing acne skincare products, consult a professional esthetician for advice
on which products will suit your teen’s skin. Over the counter drugstore washes and
lotions can be harsh and aren’t suitable for all skin types. As estheticians, this is what we do, we understand ingredients in skin care products and have the ability to assess your teens skin and recommend products specific to their situation. Skin care is not one size fits all!
Inflammation can also lead to acne in teens. If your teen plays a lot of sports and
sweats a lot it can cause an acne breakout. Other things that might irritate the skin
include overdoing the cover-up cosmetics which can cause pores to become clogged. If your teen is using make-up to cover breakouts again it should not be over the counter products.
So what can you teach your teen?
There are a few sure fire ways to reduce acne that every teen can benefit from. Evenif they don’t suffer from major breakouts, teaching your teen to take care of their
skin will be something that keeps their skin healthy for life.
1. Wash your face twice a day.
Tell your teen to wash with lukewarm water and their recommended cleanser. Use
fingertips and not a wash cloth. Keep the water warm and not hot because very hot
water can actually make acne worse.
2. Use acne skincare products regularly
Acne treatment products should be used ONLY on their problem
3. Apply moisturizer.
Apply your recommended moisturizer everyday, twice a day, after washing! Not applying your moisturizer because you feel too oily is feeding the fire! (That goes
for makeup and sunscreen, too.)
4. Remember hair gets greasy too
Teens should be reminded that they need to keep their hair clean and off their face.
They should aim to wash hair daily and after exercise, and also keep any sports
helmets or caps clean to avoid transferring oil to their face.
5. Don’t pick!
Educate your teen about the dangers of skin picking - no matter how tempting it is to
squeeze spots and blackheads, doing so just spreads bacteria which makes more
spots develop.
6. Schedule a facial for your teen!
Reinforce all this information and more. A teen facial is a mini lesson on skin care. We discuss triggers, products, how to use products, and when to use those products.
Developing these habits now will save your teen from much suffering in the future. Untreated acne can lead to scaring to will require long and invasive treatments down the road. They will thank you.
We have simplified the process for you!
Introducing our new Teen Facial Package
$300 Includes 6 Treatments and 3 Products to get your teen started. More info.
For more information contact Kittrina
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